
The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Stay at home mom with 3 human children and multitudes of non human children.
SE Michigan
My Tanks
29G (Was 125 G but it sprung a leak, waiting on a new one) 1 5" Tiger Oscar, 1 2.5 Lutino Tiger Oscar, 1 4" Common Pleco, 3 Common Goldfish masquerading as Oscars.
10 G (Was a 29 G but needed it for the O's temporarily) 2 Male Fancy Guppies, 2 Male Cobra Guppies, 2 Male Yellow Delta Guppies, 14 (approx) Female Assorted Guppies, 3 Assorted Male Mollies, 7 Assorted Female Mollies.
1.5 G (was a 10 G but using it for Guppies) Guppy/Molly Fry.


120g 3 Oscars, a Pleco and 2 goldfish. 50g Acei and EY Labs, 4 cherry barbs and 5 neon tetra. 29g 1m 1f convicts & fry. Also have a 90g with land hermit crabs.
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