Recent content by irishman2683

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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    electric blue cichlid

    they strip tested the water at pet smart.
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    electric blue cichlid

    It cycled for about a week. I had the water tested and they said it was perfect. i thought it might have been the ph because when we first had it tested the ph was really low. but i have been putting ph up in the tank and took a reading and it was in a good range. is it maybe the tank set up. i...
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    electric blue cichlid

    I have one electric blue cichlid which i got two days ago. The first two days he was very energenic and fun but all day today he has hovered in the same spot on the bottom of the tank. its a brand new tank and the ph level is within the range and the water temp is perfect. He has been eating the...
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