Recent content by jay.lisa

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
  1. J

    cloudy water what can i do to fix it

    what about cycling How do I cycle my new tank and is it needed
  2. J

    New to saltwater

    What do you mean by cycle? I am completely new to this I learned fast that freshwater and saltwater are not the same and what about salinity level what should I be at
  3. J

    New to saltwater

    No I didn't rinse the sand and I mixed the salt in the tank will that hurt my tank
  4. J

    cloudy water what can i do to fix it

    I just set up my 38 gallon saltwater tank I have another 38 gallon tank I am using as my sump I filled the tank and added salt first it was fine last night but now its very cloudy I added sand today what could be my problem someone please help
  5. J

    New to saltwater

    my water is very cloudy My husband and I just started a 38 gallon saltwater tank we have the sump hooked up and added salt and sand but the water is very cloudy what could be causing this
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