Recent content by jen106

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
  1. jen106

    Best way to transport fish?

    I'm moving in the next couple of weeks. I have a 60 gallon that will obviously need to be drained, and I'm unsure the best way to get my fish to my new house. Luckily, I only have a few in my tank currently: a large angel, a 5ish inch Senegal bichir, a bristle nose pleco, and a cory cat. The...
  2. jen106

    What fish should I add to my tank?

    Also, trading in my angel is a GREAT idea. My bichir is very active but not aggressive.
  3. jen106

    What fish should I add to my tank?

    I used to have a 45 g tall tank that started out as a tropical community, but turned into basically an incubator for my 150 g oddball. I had ropefish, fire eel, silver arowana, red-tailed cat, needle gar, elephant nose, some rubber eels, as well as angels that kept laying eggs (but someone kept...
  4. jen106

    Story time! Nightmare!!!

    My 4 year old once dumped literally 3/4 of a large can of flake food into my 55 gallon. I spent 40 mins trying to dredge the flakes out with a net, then days vacuuming the gravel and doing water changes. This was after he filled the toilet with just about ever toiletry item in the bathroom. ???
  5. jen106

    What fish should I add to my tank?

    Thanks! I may just wait until my last angel goes to the big tank in the sky and get more small ones rather than try to introduce small ones. I'll update when I get some new stock!
  6. jen106

    What fish should I add to my tank?

    I recently upgraded my old crusty, blackbeard algae riddled, nitrate filled, generally gross 55 gallon for a brand new 60 gallon. As my old fish died, I didn't replace them as my balance was out of whack I was planning on eventually getting a new tank. So what I've got left: 1 large angel 1...
  7. jen106

    Black sand?

    True!! Save $ where you can. You'll end up spending it on something else for your tank anyway.
  8. jen106

    Black sand?

    I just set up my new tank with Tahitian Moon black. No rinsing required, comes with packets of bacteria and clarifier, and, oh, did I mention you DO NOT have to rinse it? Petco dot com will have it on sale for $14 per 20lb bag. I'd pay the regular $20 to not have to rinse it. I'm pretty sure...
  9. jen106

    So I got this fish, right.

    Lucky for you it is a likely an Oranda and not a Comet (usually as a prize, from a carnival) and gets 12-18" long. Ha! Funny you should mention this! My kids won (what I'm guessing is) a Comet. It was a teeny tiny little thing. Luckily I have a 50 gallon with large angels that are fairly...
  10. jen106

    Can't get my nitrates down [emoji853]

    Are there plants that will work well in low light? I have an LED lamp, but it's a pretty base model and not super powerful. I do use Prime after all my water changes.
  11. jen106

    Can't get my nitrates down [emoji853]

    Yes, it's established. It was a cichlid tank before I got it. It's big gravel and the tank was kinda gross. The dirty rocks make a lot of sense... Do people use sand in their tropical tanks? Is there a benefit? And yeah, at least ammonia and nitrites are 0!
  12. jen106

    Can't get my nitrates down [emoji853]

    Sort of an update to a post I did a month or so ago. 55 gallon, the big emperor filter, 7 fish (one is a goldfish- and no I can't get rid of him). My nitrates were through the roof and the fish store lady suggested a 90% water change over the course of several days. Did that over the course of...
  13. jen106


    Here's what I did to alleviate too much food being lost in the rocks; a tiny dish. I did this after one of my frogs became emaciated from not being able to get enough food. Also, I feed mine a small amount (4-6 larger pellets or maybe 20 of the tiny pellets) twice a week. I've had this guy for...
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