Recent content by JoeandSheila

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  1. JoeandSheila

    algae problem or bacteria bloom?

    I need help with one question with the 55 I started setting up the 1st week of November 2009 I used SAS Shultz Aqua Soil and Laterite with a sand cap. I did have a ammonia spike the 1st week in December since then NO2 has been 0-.10mg and the ammonia has been at 0-0.25mg/l, PH stable at 7.2...
  2. JoeandSheila

    Hi from North Western Wisconsin almost MN

    I had several planted fresh water tanks in the past. I sold or put away all my tanks several years ago 6 +. Then a couple of weeks a go my wife and I were talking and we both miss the tanks and that our kids 2 and 4 would love them. So I started to get the 29 gallon out of storage and I acquired...
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