Recent content by Joeg1221

The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
  1. J

    Blind parrotfish?

    I've had my 28 gallon freshwater tank for a few years now. Two blood red parrots, two kissing gouramis, and one high fin pleco. All grown from very small fish and although the tank is probably a bit crowded, I'm on top of my water quality and do filter maintenance and water changes weekly. The...
  2. J

    New to this site

    I've had my 28 gallon freshwater tank for a few years now. Two blood red parrots, two kissing gouramis, and one high fin pleco. All grown from very small fish and although the tank is probably a bit crowded, I'm on top of my water quality and do filter maintenance and water changes weekly. The...
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