Recent content by johnnygirl

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
  1. J

    What's eating/killing my fish????

    Thanks so much for your input. By cleaning I mean...had to completely empty the tank, siphoning the rocks. Cleaned the glass and pumps with water, scrubbing with a brush, no chemicals or soaps at all. (had replaced the filter about a week prior so used the same filter) Reserved several gallons...
  2. J

    What's eating/killing my fish????

    one more thing, if it were just the new acquisitions that died, I would think it was just as a result of my purchase but I lost fish I've had for a long time and the barbs and frogs seem to have withstood the "plague", whatever it is. again, off to the store, I'll post what I hear. Ammonia was...
  3. J

    What's eating/killing my fish????

    There was a slight fluctuation in the levels...I use the test strips...but nothing out of normal range. The fish, although dead, looked healthy besides looking nipped at. I've dealt with fish for about 5 years but between homes so I was comfortable with the amount I added. I have never owned...
  4. J

    What's eating/killing my fish????

    :confused: Hi, I'm hoping someone can help. I have a 40-46 gallon freshwater tank that I've had up and running for a couple of years. I had 2 cory catfish 1 upside down catfish 3 lamplight tetras 1 loach (not sure what kind) 2 orange/red platys I reorganized my home, moved the tank and...
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