Recent content by JohnPaul

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  1. JohnPaul

    How many snails?

    If the goal is algae control, I would agree that the best bet is to go with 1 or maybe at most 2 nerites. If your LFS doesn't sell them, plenty of places online do and you can usually get them for around $3 each. I'm about to buy a few myself, some of the more unusual nerite species are really...
  2. JohnPaul

    12 Gallon Advice

    Depends on the species of killie. I used to have a pair of Golden Wonder killies in my 29g community tank which featured (among other things) a school of about a dozen neon tetras. Once the killies got large enough, they ate the entire school. Some of the smaller killies would work though.
  3. JohnPaul

    12 Gallon Advice

    One betta (either male or female) might be a nice centerpiece fish that *should* go well with what you describe there. Only thing I would suggest is, if you go that route, add the other fish to the tank first and the betta last. Another option, instead of the betta, would be a lone dwarf...
  4. JohnPaul

    10 gallon betta tankmates?

    I've had bettas in the past that killed every shrimp in the tank. And others that ignored the shrimp completely. So it depends entirely on the personality of the betta whether shrimp would work or not. But if your betta is tolerant of them, that would make a great choice. Since ghost...
  5. JohnPaul

    10 gallon blue pearl shrimp tank

    Maybe I am misunderstanding what you wrote...are you saying that you put potting soil directly into an aquarium? That is a horrifically BAD idea. The organics in the soil will rot (decompose), leading to massive bacterial blooms in your water. And the natural fertilizers in the soil are not...
  6. JohnPaul

    red cherry shrimp

    The deep red ones are the females. The ones that are clearer with just some red flecks are the males. In general the males will be more active, and this will be even more true if there are females ready to breed somewhere in the tank. The females will release a hormone into the water...
  7. JohnPaul

    stupid algae

    What kind of algae is it exactly? Greenwater? Or algae physically growing on various surfaces? I agree that moving the tank is probably going to be the best bet, but I might be able to think of a couple possible alternative solutions if I knew exactly what sort of algae you are dealing with...
  8. JohnPaul

    What is this?

    Yep, as long as they are happy. Nerites laying eggs is a sign that they find the tank conditions to their liking.
  9. JohnPaul

    Ramshorn & Plants...

    Those pictures are all European ramshorns, which are plant-safe and not just that, but great to have in a planted tank. And yes, they get along with other snails (MTS etc.) just fine. European ramshorns can get as large around as about a quarter (if they are REALLY well-fed) but more commonly...
  10. JohnPaul

    Golden Wonder Panchax

    Golden Wonders are beautiful killies, very hardy, an excellent first species of killifish to own. They are also, in general, good citizens in a community fish tank. HOWEVER, that last part is true only assuming that everything else in there is too large to fit in their mouth. While not overly...
  11. JohnPaul

    Ninja Cherry Shrimp?

    From keeping dwarf shrimp (Red Cherrys and many others) for 7+ years, I can assure you that the little "flip" action you saw was an attempt by the shrimp to escape from the fish--and most certainly not an attack. RCS would not be able, nor would they even try, to take out even the smallest...
  12. JohnPaul

    Detritus and bright green algea

    This page has some pictures of various types of algae and will give some tips on identifying causes/solutions if it gets out of hand.
  13. JohnPaul

    Fresh/Frozen Foods

    If you think your fish went nuts for the frozen brine shrimp, wait til you see them go after the live ones. :frog: However like HN1 said, brine shrimp are not the most nutritious things in the world (whether frozen or live) so once or twice a week is plenty. Live or frozen worms (bloodworms...
  14. JohnPaul

    Adeeb's Crabitat V3

    Looking good so far. What are your plans for the land side of the tank--going to be adding plants, decorations, etc?
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