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  1. J

    Proper size Wet Dry filter for a saltwater FO tank

    Thanks for the info. I think I have found another filter which is larger and will fit under my tank the Slimline series by Amiracle. However, I now have been told to just use live rock instead and not worry about the wet/dry? Any thoughts?
  2. J

    Proper size Wet Dry filter for a saltwater FO tank

    I have a 55G Saltwater FO tank with an Undergravel filter running 2 - 150 PH a protein skimmer for 100G, and an Emperor 400. I want to replace the Emperor with a Wet Dry filter and have 2 options. 1) buy a Wet Dry with a BIO AREA of 2.4 GAL SUMP GAL of 8.75 rated for 75 gallon tanks or 2) buy...
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