Recent content by JSemach

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
  1. J

    Colorful Tetra

    I really appreciate all the input so far. I liked how those cardinal tetras looked but they don't have them at my lfs. :( On a side note, I was wondering if anyone has had problems keeping Harlequin Rasboras with zebra danios. My lfs is running a special on the rasboras and they would fit...
  2. J

    Colorful Tetra

    I currently have a 29 gallon aquarium, which for the most part is devoid of color. I was wondering if anyone could suggest a colorful mid-sized tetra. I currently have 6 Zebra Danios, 3 Red Wag Platys, and 4 aeneus corys. The tank is also semi-planted (I'm slowly replacing the fake plants with...
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