Recent content by justpeachy127

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
  1. J

    Breeding betttas

    is there anything that I can do to save them or is there no hope?
  2. J

    Breeding betttas

    hi all I'm a newbie at betta breeding.. about 2 and a half months ago I had a successful batch but I just ran into a horrible problem with the tank... noticed film of white on the heater a few days ago and that was when I noticed a bunch of my fry have been dying off nonstop... Im not sure if...
  3. J

    golden rabbit snails

    here they are in my 30 gal tank
  4. J

    golden rabbit snails

    well I've been feeding some algae waffers the last two days... have not been seeing uprooted grass or plants since then. But seeing as they do chomp on plants perhaps I should consider rehoming one or two to my betta tanks (as I have three snails)...
  5. J

    golden rabbit snails

    thanks for your reply! I was beginning to worry after seeing several of my tall plants were chewed off at the stem. i will try some blanched veggies tomorrow....
  6. J

    golden rabbit snails

    We recently purchased three of these snails for our planted aquarium thinking they were cool looking and could get rid of the alge in our tank. But we started noticing that they are chewing off a lot of our grass and plants (which end up floating to the top). Is there anything we can do to...
  7. J

    Betta breeding!

    Hi everyone, I'm a newbie at betta breeding but two months ago we bred our dumbo with our halfmoon female for fun. Here are some pictures of the parents and fry. The fry are now two and a half months old. Not sure if they look small for their age? we fed them baby brine shrimp from the start...
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