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  1. K

    5 Gallon tank

    Why are we assuming that when sites list a betta's minimum tank size its as a single fish and when sites list a gourami's minimum tank size they're talking about in a community tank. Both fish can be kept in communities and as a single fish. edit: Honey gourami's aren't even a territorial...
  2. K

    5 Gallon tank

    Use the osphronemidae family it comes from as an example, even for the pygmy gourami, (nearly an inch smaller in length than a betta fish, and the smallest in the family), it recommends a minimum of 15 gallons for one gourami and additional volume for further fish. For a single honey gourami...
  3. K

    5 Gallon tank

    A plakat isn't like a wild betta either, they also have been extensively line-bred for 'desirable' traits in Taiwan (mainly aggression). I think you're confusing king betta's with giant bettas (which aren't betta splendens) as kings are basically the same size as average betta's. What's curious...
  4. K

    Wow, fish learn math!?!?!

    It's pretty amazing how intelligent some species are. There's a really cool study where cod learned to pull a string to get food, even using a bead threaded in the front of their dorsal fin for identification as a tool to grab the string and learning to swim a certain way to use it...
  5. K

    5 Gallon tank

    Bettas splendens in the wild are the same as the ornamental betta splendens in your tank - One has just been selectively bred through generations by humans for colour and longer fins, and also as a consequence have higher genetic problems and health issues. It's the same fish, we've just made it...
  6. K

    lazy swords

    I'd check a couple things - is their position in the tank near something like the heater or filter outflow? Are their pectoral fins clamped to the side (held tight against their body)? Generally, fish staying in one spot is a sign of weakness, usually as a result of poor water quality, water...
  7. K

    20 High Stocking Question

    I've never owned cory's personally, but from what I've read you want to avoid gravel subtrate as the barbels on their mouth are sensitive and can get cut up / pinched between rocks, so I probably wouldn't recommend it. Not sure what your best bottom feeder option would be, maybe otocinclus but...
  8. K

    20 High Stocking Question

    Couple things - BN Pleco's still get a pretty decent size and produce tons of waste, if you must get one definitely get a female. Also consider that BN Pleco's require driftwood so including that in your aquarium will limit space for the fish even further, I don't think AqAdvisor takes those...
  9. K

    Diagnosing algae/bacteria problems

    Surface scum is usually a sign of not enough surface agitation, and as a consequence the lack of sufficient water flow throughout the tank may be the cause of your algae build up. I'm sure there's others more experienced here that could give their input, but that's where I would start.
  10. K

    Cloudy green water; fish dying

    Keeping it under 40 is what I hear from most sources, but most fish are pretty tolerant of nitrate. I suggest larger water changes since you're having these algae problems, 20-30% is a good idea to help remove any excess detritus that may have built up while gravel vacuuming as well as reduce...
  11. K

    AquaClear HOB Filter Basket

    The basket is not necessary, you could definitely just fill it with media. I would suggest try using a pre-filter on your intake and seeing if that helps. Also make sure you have that little black plastic riser piece that levels the filter against the glass.
  12. K

    Need help adding water to Axolotl tank!

    I use a small water pump from my old Fluval tank, should be able to use any water pump. Attach a tube to the outflow of the pump and put the other end of the tube in the tank, place the pump submerged in your bucket of water, and plug it in. It takes a bit, but the flow I get from mine is super...
  13. K

    Cloudy green water; fish dying

    Does your tank get hit by direct sunlight? Does your tank contain any plants? Definitely reduce your lighting time, I would reduce it to around 6 until you get the algae under control and then move it up to 8-10 over time as it gets better. 12 hours is especially long if your tank does not...
  14. K

    Am I stocking too much?

    I imagine the pearl gourami female may still go after your golden. The two female pearl's I have still squabble over territory/pecking order in a 50 gallon. You can keep that few Kuhli's, but from my experience keeping them once you get them to around 5 or 6 you will see them way more and...
  15. K

    10 Gallon Stocking Questions

    You can keep ADF's with other similar sized fish without issue (just keep them fed), however I tried keeping ADF's and some Rasbora's in a 10 gallon once and felt that it was too crowded and both were stressing each other out, since neither had any place to really be away from the other for a...
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