Recent content by katej4

The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
  1. K

    Yeah, I think I'm killing my fish- like, all of them! Help!

    ok, so lots of good info here! i had read a couple of those articles but not all of them. and of course, this was all AFTER i had the tank set up. and i should have done this research first, but can't go back. so alas, no test kit yet. (yeah, guy at petstore said "no, you'll be fine!") so...
  2. K

    Yeah, I think I'm killing my fish- like, all of them! Help!

    so, 55 gal fw tank, planted, 3 feeder goldfish, 6 otos, 2 rosy barbs. just did a pwc, seemed to go fine. been up and running for a total of about 3 weeks now. 1 gold appears to have swim bladder disease, one appears to have ich and the other is losing his tail. they were doing fine up...
  3. K

    16 gal bow front journal, converting to sand

    what a difference! i dig it.
  4. K

    hey everyone!

    ha! thanks everyone! very helpful indeed. sure wish the sales dude would have given me some of this info before i spent my money on a poor choice! but i guess they have to make a living. =/ thanks again! this group is amazingly helpful!
  5. K

    Little holes on my plant's leaves (only 1 plant)

    So, I have some plants in my tank (4 different plants in a 55 gal). One of them (yeah, unfortunately I don't know what its called, which might be my first mistake), has multiple holes in about 5 of the 25 or so leaves. It has a darkish purple quality on some it and its really pretty. I'm...
  6. K

    hey everyone!

    hi, we're here to learn from others. we recently set up a 55 gal freshwater tank, currently home to 3 feeder goldfish and 2 rosy barbs (recent) as well as some little otocinclus guys and some plants. we've had some problems with it in the short time its been going (about 2 weeks), including...
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