Recent content by ketchup318

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
  1. K

    Help dealing with Hydroids

    Hi I've been battling digitate hydroids for a few months now. It started off as a few here and there, and I used to pluck them, or scorch them with boiling water. But after a few months, they've really come back with a fury... The don't seem to sting like I've read, and they also don't seem to...
  2. K

    10G Sump Options?

    Jeff: Here's the parameters, I tested just before a 15% water change (weekly change for the last 6 weeks) Nitrate:0.5 (Salifert) Phosphate:0.08 (Hanna) Ca: 400 (Red Sea) Alk: 7.6 (Red Sea) Mg: 1320 (Red Sea) Salinity: 1.023 (Red Sea) PH: 8.34 (Apex) Ingy: Interesting. I looked around for a...
  3. K

    Tank ideas?

    might be too late since the tank is setup, but you can try painting the back of the tank (or at least get some blue or black aquarium background wallpaper). I should add come color and draw attention away from the 'wall of white' you got there.
  4. K

    10G Sump Options?

    I've been thinking about a DSB also, but since my nutrient levels are so low, do you think it would make a difference? Also about the live rock, or rubble. What benefit would that have? I have about 45lbs of dry BRS rock, not sure what the is in terms of wet rock. I thought that would be...
  5. K

    10G Sump Options?

    Hi All I've had a 10g sump under my 36G bowfront for over a year now and I haven't been able to really make use of it. In the first chamber, I have a filter sock and a skimmer. In the last chamber, I have the return pump and a MJ1200 pump for a GFO reactor. The middle chamber is my problem...
  6. K

    Salinity dropping?

    I thought about the skimmer too, but I only dump out a 1/2 cup every few days.
  7. K

    Salinity dropping?

    I'm using the same instrument to test the mixed incoming water and the current tank water. If the baseline calibration is off, it'll be off for both. What I'm seeing is a relative difference between the two, which indicates it's not a simple calibration issue. That said, I'll check and...
  8. K

    Salinity dropping?

    Thanks for all the responses. I'm not using an air stone nor do I have excessive salt creep. I am using a refractometer for both the mixed saltwater and the tank water, so they're both calibrated to the same source. The tank is on hardwood so it should be pretty evident if there was a continuous...
  9. K

    Salinity dropping?

    Hi I've had a strange trend occurring the past few months, tipped off by my corals lack of growth and eventual shrinkage. My tank's salinity levels are dropping and I don't know where it's happening. So, rewind a few months back. My tank's already been setup, but I add my first coral, a Pom...
  10. K

    New 36 Gallon Bow Front Reef

    Looks like I have the same tank you have. I have a 4in yellow watchman goby. Gets along great with my pistol shrimp. What kind of plumbing do you have?
  11. K

    Is this aiptasia?

    That's good to know... I was going to take all the rocks out and scrub and rinse it. Was also starting to look at buying a bunch of chemicals and possible a shrimp. So they just pop up during the first year and slowly go away?
  12. K

    Is this aiptasia?

    Never really noticed it till the wife pointed it out. After that I realized it was on all my rocks and on the glass too. Not sure what they are... Just a brief description... they're really small (less than a 1/4 inch, most were about 1/8 inch) and white. It has circular opening, with what...
  13. K

    How many outlets do you use?

    I have an Neptune Apex Controller with 8 outlets. When I first started, I thought that this was going to be more than enough (I only used 3 for my freshwater setup). It didn't take long for me to realize that I was going to need a lot more outlets. Now I'm wondering if I need to get another 4...
  14. K

    Taotronics lighting schedule

    I didn't think the Taotronics had a timer option... the only ones I saw with with dimmer and without. I think the with dimmers was an extra 50 dollars.... I just bought the dimmer last month, if I knew there was one with a timer option, I would've definitely bought it...
  15. K

    Taotronics lighting schedule

    I set them as low as possible, which is still pretty bright... I do wonder if I should get night lights of some sort... it does get really dark at night... it'd be nice to somehow simulate the moon.
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