Recent content by lafullerton1

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
  1. L

    All my fish are dying

    I don't know how to cycle the tank from this point. When I bought the tank I wasn't told anything about how to get it started.
  2. L

    All my fish are dying

    My nitrate level is at below 0.1 mg tested with tetra test NO2, The first time I tested for anomia it tested between 3.0 and 6.0 ml. Now it is testing between .5 and 3.0 ml with the ammonia quick dip test strips. I treated the ammonia with ACE. I have used both ich away and maracide for...
  3. L

    All my fish are dying

    :cry: We started our 55 gal tank almost a month ago and had no problems until last week. When I checked the tank last week we had 2 dead plecostimis. I noticed a few white spots on several of the fish so I started treating for ich. A couple of days later we lost a catfish and then another...
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