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  1. le4col

    HELP : My catfish large growing growth on his face

    this growth isn't how you described it looks like a solid piece but only started as the size if a sesame seed, it isn't fluffy like fin rot or like a burn, I just don't know anymore, the last pic is exactly what it looks like in person. thanks
  2. le4col

    HELP : My catfish large growing growth on his face

    That sounds spot on thanks! yeah I got him from the pet shop with the mark on his face and thought it was a scar and he is injured as he looks like it was born with a bended spine but will go today and try find that fungus treatment and hopefully works. it's nasty as hell this growth so I would...
  3. le4col

    HELP : My catfish large growing growth on his face

    thanks a lot yeah the growth close to the eye but also seems to be inside the mouth and pushing eye forward. I will try some spot treatment to try and make it smaller aswell, I don't want to stress him out more than he is because he constantly swims now and 2 weeks ago he sat on the top of the...
  4. le4col

    HELP : My catfish large growing growth on his face

    thanks for that, what it is is the white section at the front the catfish is the fungus. and it started as eg. looked like one of his feeler tentacles were broken off and it was hearing in that spot but then over time it has grown rapidly. I will look up your sesugfestion and give it a go, I've...
  5. le4col

    HELP : My catfish large growing growth on his face

    Hello everyone, I would love any help that would fix this nasty growth on my catfishes face,it had a mark on his face ever since I bought him from the shop it was only small the size of a sesame seed and now it just keeps growing to size of piece of corn and is affecting his eye from the inside...
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