Recent content by Leanne82

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  1. Leanne82

    My Tank

    And here are some pics of just a few of my fish as the others were camera shy there are peacock guppies ( i finally got a picture) some of my neons black widows tetra and some i am not sure of the name of i have male and female of all except the guppies:silly:
  2. Leanne82

    My Tank

    These are the pictures of my filters heater etc in my new tank just added some java ferns to cover the sponge arms :)
  3. Leanne82

    My Tank

    yer our friend who was breeder says he puts a slice of potato in for his plecos and they love it! got my 3ft tank now for free so thats a bonus with pumps heaters the lot hes told me a few tricks to mature it quicker which is ideal ... will post pictures as it gets done... and he did a water...
  4. Leanne82

    My Tank

    ok i think my plecos actually died due to lack of food ie algae as i dont think there was enough in the tank due to get a new tank tonite a 3ft one and when i get more plecos i will be feeding them algae flakes which i never knew existed until today !
  5. Leanne82

    My Tank

    parameters as in test results ??? i had them for 4wks and we fed all the fish on frozen bloodworm
  6. Leanne82

    My Tank

    :( all my plecos have died and i dont know why am i not leaving the light on long enough currently running for 13hrs a day all levels in water are fine so god knows it is only them that have died :(
  7. Leanne82

    My Tank

    the only two clowns i had died before i added the salt and the other fish seem to be doing just fine thanks i hope my LFS listened properly too
  8. Leanne82

    My Tank

    :( i have sadly lost one of my sucker fish (cant remember name) my two blk clowns and a neon but all the other fish are thriving and doing really well did a 50% water change and all is still stable i had a few white spots on the clown that died (one just vanished into thin air) the clown died...
  9. Leanne82

    My Tank

    Hi Karegg things are doing well thanks we are doing a 25% water change tomorrow(as we have some evapouration so it needs topping up ) but other than that levels have stayed pretty stable still haven't got round to gettin an ammonia kit but will be as soon as poss all the fish are swimming around...
  10. Leanne82

    My Tank

    no figiwigi as i said in previous post i shall be gettin one this weekend as that is the only thing the strips i have dont test unfortunately
  11. Leanne82

    My Tank

    I was advised by my LFS to do a 50% WC after two weeks of having my tank is that about right or should i do 25% so as not to disturb the fish and levels too much ??
  12. Leanne82

    My Tank

    Thanks i am doing weekly checks just to keep my eye on it i will need to get an ammonia test kit as mine doesnt check for it thanks for the feedback :D I will post the numbers from the test if i am unsure whether it is ok cheers again
  13. Leanne82

    My Tank

    Can anyone tell me if those readings are ok please :)
  14. Leanne82

    Ziggy953's 72 Bow

    great looking tank makes mine look so humble lol ! and guess what i found nemo!! :)
  15. Leanne82

    My Tank

    ok i will try here goes pH 7.0 GH 0 KH <40 nitrite between 0 and 0.5 nitrate <20 think thats right
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