Recent content by Leda5181

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  1. L

    Guppies keep dying

    The web site I was going by gave these max sizes: Black skirt- 2 1/2" Danio- 3" cory- 2" Otocinclus cat- 2" Accurate or no? I do think the danios would appreciate a little more room to race around. I'd like to try a larger planted tank next year when I can afford it.
  2. L

    Guppies keep dying

    As for schools, not much of a selection at the lfs. Pretty much the only option that didn't recommend large schools were betas. I thought I'd try these & see how they acted, and they all seem happy. Nobody hiding or bullying.
  3. L

    Guppies keep dying

    ^Exactly. I know I should test, but $25 is still a lot of money for me. Christmas is coming though:). As for the cycling, I had the 1st 3 guppies for a month after the comets before any died, so it should have definitely been done by then, right?
  4. L

    Guppies keep dying

    I had some comets my turtle decided not to eat, so they lived on the tank for a month before I put anything else in. Started w/ frequent large water changes, tapered off following instructions from another site.
  5. L

    Guppies keep dying

    I'll definitely get a test kit if I ever try guppies again. I thought they were supposed to be good starter fish, but I guess they're not so tough. I seem to be at a good place w/ the tank right now. All I have are the 2 danios, 2 tetras & 2 cats. I do 20% wc & vacuum gravel every 2 wks...
  6. L

    Guppies keep dying

    Don't yell at me, but I've never tested. Everything I read said the cheap kits are useless and the expensive kits are, well, expensive. I read several sites that said watching fish closely is a better indicator, and cycled the tank well before I started. I've never seen any signs of stress in...
  7. L

    Guppies keep dying

    Started my first 10gal 6 months ago. Cycled then added 3 guppies. They were fine for a few weeks, then 1 died. I waited a couple weeks and the remaining gups were fine, so I added 3 more, 2 zebra danios & a sucker cat. A couple weeks later lost 2 more guppies, so again I waited 2 weeks, then...
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