Recent content by lilly14

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
  1. L

    My 75G - LOTS of pictures!

    Looking good...But i hope you've got a good home for the blue and sailfin tangs when they're adults!
  2. L

    Two q's- coral banded & stocking

    It wasn't my intention to start a war, so i'm sorry if i have. I think all advice is great, but unless people are absolutely certain about something, they should leave it to people with greater knowledge or more experience with the fish in question. I mean we don't want to force bonnie to go...
  3. L

    Two q's- coral banded & stocking

    Hello all, I too have 5 clowns in my 80g tank. I did the same as bonnie3188, added them all at once, and all were the same size. My clowns have been living happily without aggression for over a year, so don't tell her that she has to take back her fish when she wasn't even posting a question...
  4. L

    Big chunk missing from angels tail fin....

    I often wake up and see that my sailfin tang has a chunk missing from her fins or sails. Most of the time its just a little snip. I think the coral banded shrimp does it to my sailfin cos he tries to catch her sometimes. It grows back within two days, such a healthy fish!
  5. L

    Ugly coloured clown :(

    I've had my pair of orange percula clowns for about 6 months. They are both fine and happy and eat well. However, the female is an ugly dark colour. She sort of looks like the colour that the black clowns are when they are changing from orange to black. A very dull orange colour. Shes about 5cm...
  6. L

    It's arrived with a vengeance- help!

    Hey, thanks for your reply. Unfortunately the little guy didn't make it :cry: I think the stress of the new tank got to him too much- it wasnt cycled properly. When I get my new tank I'll definately use my old one as the QT. What do you recommend to keep in a QT? Just sand? Because if I...
  7. L

    It's arrived with a vengeance- help!

    Hey guys, I've had my 90 gallon tank set up for about 6 months and currently have 2 clowns, a red sea sailfin and a blue tang. Both the sailfin and the blue tang are juenvilles; about 4-7cm long. When I got home from work today i discovered that my blue tang was covered in white ich spots...
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