Recent content by LS240

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
  1. L

    Race theme

    Try to make it look like a section of track with Armco barriers and inside the Armco use black sand.
  2. L

    best algae eatter for 10g

    Nerite snails. The Tiger/Zebra variety are very pretty and they do nothing but work 24 hours a day.
  3. L

    Fish and supplies that are overrated?

    Rummynose Tetras. They're pretty cool but unlike everything I read on the internet, they actually do nip. And really, they don't have much individual personality.
  4. L

    I wanna start a glofish tank.

    If you want 10-15 Glofish you should probably actually look at around a 30 gallon tank. Even in a 20 long I would think 6-8 is more ideal. 10 is too small as already stated.
  5. L

    African Clawed Frog being dyed?

    Are they dyed or genetically engineered and bred that way like Glofish?
  6. L

    Betta fish, two in one gallon bowl??

    It's likely to end in tears, but it can work out occasionally. The last time I was at a LFS the lady was trying to find a place to put a male Betta that just came in and stuck him in a tank, but when we walked by there a few minutes later we noticed there were 2 in the tank along with a bunch of...
  7. L

    Female Betta just did the cutest thing.

    So one of my female Bettas, Mona Lisa, just did the cutest thing I've ever seen a fish do, and it's the first time one of mine has made me literally laugh out loud. I fed her a few pellets and as she grabbed one she disturbed another and caused it to sink, but it landed right on top of her head...
  8. L

    blue water jugs

    Geez. They're a lot cheaper in my area for some reason.
  9. L

    Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium

    My Dad was stationed on Okinawa while in the Air Force and told me stories of this place. It's cool to actually see pictures!
  10. L

    blue water jugs

    Yeah just go this route. You can buy these bottles at Walmart and other stores for ~$5 brand new, with drinking water in them so you know they're safe. I had a bunch of these lying around and am actually using them as temporary homes for Bettas while setting up their condos, so I can confirm...
  11. L

    curious about GloFish...

    It only applies if you sell them.
  12. L

    There are filmy clear pieces floating in my tank

    Is this a new tank? If so it might be silicone from the manufacturing process. I helped my niece setup a new 10 the other day and it had a few small pieces of silicone floating around after we first filled it.
  13. L

    Peppered Cory weirdness

    Yeah it's normal. My Cories are certainly most active just after lights out. I must say though, my Peppered Cories seem more interested in diligently cleaning their tank, including picking at algae, than playing like the Julies and Pandas in the same tank. They're like busy little worker bees.
  14. L

    Betta in Community

    Cories are the perfect tank mates for Bettas in my experience. I have no experience with Neons so I can't help you there. I know my girlfriend's Betta doesn't show aggression towards Rummynose Tetras though.
  15. L

    Are we cookin our fish?

    It's definitely thought provoking. I'm still pretty new to this hobby but have been absorbing every last bit of info I can and spend most of my free time on the internet doing just that. The one thing that has never made sense to me though is the idea that it's so bad to change water...
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