Recent content by lubys

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
  1. L

    New Tank - 29g long

    Claudy... after few days it will be clear. Bacterias need some time. If you have fake plants, you do not not need 7 hours of light. But it'll work OK.
  2. L

    Feeding for dwarf gouramis

    I feed my fish 2 x daily with food they can eat in about 3-4 minutes. I did not have any problems so far (for many years). Sure they would eat more...
  3. L

    DIY background question

    Polystyren is OK. I would use 2+ inches thick-you can play with depth. I am not sure about Quikrete... but when you cover it with Epoxy I think it will be just fine.
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