Recent content by Lukosmith22

The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
  1. L


    Mollies need to be kept 1 male to about 3 to 4 females. This helps prevent stress to just one female. Good Luck.
  2. L

    new tank, less than a week old, too many fish

    Mollies and Platy's like warm temps. like 75-82 degrees. Most mollies can live in salt like Brackish Water or even Pure Saltwater if acclimated to it slowly!!!! 8)
  3. L

    Can someone help?

    Hey Nick! I believe that you could probably make top quality Bettas from your average pet store fish! All you have to do is keep breeding them over and over! 8)
  4. L

    Have the tank, what now!

    I have read in a book that you should first fill the tank then put in the salt and adjust the salinity. Be sure to keep tract of how much water you put in though! 8)
  5. L

    Have the tank, what now!

    THANK YOU SOOOOOO MUCH mhaynes01!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :BIG: :tgv: :soap: :changes: :popcorn: :lilangel: :n00b: :smilecolros: :painting: :morning: :robot: :angel: :microwave: 8) :lol:
  6. L

    Have the tank, what now!

    I would like to go to saltwater, but the price seems SOOOO high!!!!! I don't want to risk it!! Would a 20 gallon tank be sufficient for a saltwater aquarium or would I need a larger tank? Any replies or helps are appreciated! :D :lol: :fadein:
  7. L

    Have the tank, what now!

    I would like to go to saltwater, but the price seems SOOOO high!!!!! I don't want to risk it!! Would a 20 gallon tank be sufficient for a saltwater aquarium or would I need a larger tank? Any replies or helps are appreciated! :D :lol: :fadein:
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