Recent content by ma00435

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  1. M

    Clowns twitching

    Thanks Daniel that makes sense just wana make sure their good.
  2. M

    Hey everyone .... Glad i found this sight!!!

    Yea for sure I'm upgrading ASAP to a 105. But he is eating really well just always hiding. Thanks for the reassurance. What are your thoughts on t5 vs MH vs led lighting???
  3. M

    Clowns twitching

    Do you have a regal blue . For some reason mine is being really timid. When I put my naso it was comfortable really fast swimming everywhere.
  4. M

    Clowns twitching

    Soooo kinda weird ... Should I be worried??? They only do it near the glass and near the sand. Almost like they are trying to rub against the sand.???
  5. M

    Hey everyone .... Glad i found this sight!!!

    So I'm definitely a novice when it comes to the aquaria hobby. I have been dabbling with the amazing help of my local store " elegant reef" ( side note : amazing guys and great store) luckily with there advice everything has been going well but worried about my newest addition my hippo. The...
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