Recent content by Maliki

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  1. M


    Wow Wow thank you so much and i thank everyone here for helping me really good info and step by step instructions you saved the day for me if i could recommend this site to anyone i would foward this to everyone i know that has a tank thank you so much i will be doing the reactor today thanks...
  2. M


    Co2 I have just a regular ole ceramic diffuser i bought in a kit from petco it has a built in bubble counter but i think its like basicly not doing its job but as you were saying co2 Reactor?
  3. M


    Micro sword Yes i have two t8 grow light bulbs and 1 t5 plus co2 injection but please tell me if this is normal but on my bubble counter / diffuser i set the injection to around 1 bubble per second but it seems to me like the diffused co2 bubbles reach the surface of the water faster then they...
  4. M


    Cycle Ok so it wont harm my fish or anything because i kno i have enough bacteria on my canister my tank isnt so brown anymore now its more of a haze like cloudy like fog but the eco complete has bacteria in it idk if it aids in the procsess or not i would like for my micro sword to grow like...
  5. M


    Wtr chg Yes im doing a 50%water change now but will thy make my tank cycle again
  6. M


    Ok so i took out the florite and capped the dirt with florite and eco complet i have a mich smaller dirt layer now and no my water is so dark brown its not even funny i cant see the wall behind my tank let alone my fish and plants in it ..will my canister filter get out the particals in the...
  7. M


    man that's not good I hope it grows , though I'm trying to grow a carpet I have co2 injection what are your thoughts about eco complete over dirt ?
  8. M


    Hello everyone i just bought some micro sword today from petco i have a dirted tank i was wondering how fast it grows and how deep should i plant it dirt on bottom florite on top but im thinkin of takin out the florite and replacing it with eco complete any advice
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