Recent content by margotholloman

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  1. M

    This is what happens when you don't temperature match...

    Thanks for posting Yes everyone can learn from it and feel better about the mistakes they have made:angel:
  2. M

    Goldfish with septicemia

    goldfish with septicemia Just realized I wasn't clear.... For example some meds activity may strengthen or change over time etc... So I would check to see how long medicine stays active and it may need to be taken out of the water. Or for example, you have to be careful with epsom salts...
  3. M

    Goldfish with septicemia

    Just saw your other post about changing the media.... I was a little confused.... I think you are right. Changing media like adding carbon seems to be indicated if you need to get the other medicine out to make sure it does not interact with the new meds. So I would not change it if I was...
  4. M

    Goldfish with septicemia

    goldfish with septicemia Yayyy!! So glad to hear he is getting better.... AquariaCentral has a great list of treatments and contraindications (what meds not to mix with other meds, certain fish, invertebrates etc...). I usually check any advice I get from others there just to make sure...
  5. M

    Goldfish with septicemia

    If he is improving but just not well than I would repeat the cycles of treatment. If the medicine doesn't seem to be helping then need to rediagnose. Also you will want to look up if furan 2 marycin 2 or jungle clear work in higher ph. My memory is at least one of these does not work at...
  6. M

    Goldfish with septicemia

    yes I would have kanaplex and maracyn two by Mardel on hand in case he doesn't keep improving...Keep checking your water parameters because you want those to be perfect. The medicines may negatively impact your tank cycle and you want 0 ammonia and nitrates. Make sure you have removed any...
  7. M

    Goldfish with septicemia

    septicemia in goldfish help I think you said you did a water change. Make sure to match temperature and Ph..... Then slowly add epsom salts 2-3 teaspoons per gallon to help with the bloating. Make sure to mix them with tank water and add them slowly to help fish get used to the salt. You need...
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