
The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Married, mom of two and I have 30+ years experience in keeping fresh water fish.

Fish keeping, breeding livebearers. Lamp making, jewelry making, making of sops and other skin care
Holland, Ma.
My Tanks
I have two small kids so my fish keeping has been dramatically down sized to one 55 gallon tank with community tropical fish. Inside I have neons, red eyevtetras, platies, clown loach, 2 green corydoras, 3 sterbai Cory, merited snails, chocolate poso snail and will be adding more fish soon. I at one time, before kids, had several 10 gallon tanks set up with breeding fish. N class endlers, platies, blue Allen I cray fish, orange clarkii crayfish, bumblebee shrimp, cherry shrimp, yellow neo shrimp, and lyre tail endler guppy crosses.
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