Recent content by Mmil9533

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
  1. Mmil9533

    Show off your rainbowfish!

    Here's a pic of one oft bosemani rainbows. Kind of hard to see since I took it with my phone, but they are beautiful fish
  2. Mmil9533

    Deaths during water change!?

    I have a 55 with 6 rainbows, 6 harlequin rasboras, 6 pristella tetras, 6 cardinals, a bristlenose, and 6 cories. The fish are all pretty small except for the rainbows and pleco. It is a little overstocked (found aquadvisor a little too late:/) but these are the first deaths I've had and I...
  3. Mmil9533

    Deaths during water change!?

    Thanks for all the responses! I also use Prime whenever I am doing a water change. I do hear many different opinions about how much to change at once. I've been doing a 50-75% change weekly for months and I haven't lost any fish. Actually, the fish all seem to be a little bit more active after a...
  4. Mmil9533

    Deaths during water change!?

    Oh no, that's awful! Sorry to hear that! I guess I never thought that something as simple as lotion could cause so much damage. I usually wash my hands with soap and water a few minutes before I do a water change. Could this have poisoned my fish? Its just so strange because this has never...
  5. Mmil9533

    Deaths during water change!?

    Yes, I try to match the new water temperature as close as I can. I discovered the fish floating while I was still vacuuming the gravel, before I had put in any new water. I usually do a 75 % water change every week because my tank is stocked to capacity and I have a pleco who is messy, lol:)...
  6. Mmil9533

    Deaths during water change!?

    Hi All, Over the weekend, I was doing my usual weekly 75% pwc on my 55 gallon and I noticed 2 of my cardinal tetras were floating belly up! Everyone was fine previously and I tested my parameters before starting: Ammonia 0 Nitrite 0 Nitrate 10 I netted them for a closer look and their...
  7. Mmil9533

    Hi everyone!

    Thx! Haha, yeah I am already looking to start another tank soon too if my funds allow! My stock is: 6 pristella tetras 8 cardinal tetras 6 bosemani rainbows ( my favorites:)) 6 harlequin rasboras 3 sterbai cories 3 emerald green cories 1 bristlenose pleco I am a tad overstocked according to...
  8. Mmil9533

    Hi everyone!

    Hi All! I recently got back into fish keeping when I got a 55 gallon for Christmas. Last aquarium I had was a few years back so I had some catching up to do, lol! I've been researching on AA for awhile and everyone seems really eager to share knowledge:) Here are some pics of my tank.
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