Recent content by MoodyBlues

The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
  1. M

    Day 2 Platy

    Hi there! So I did end up returning the fish and I got a betta instead. However, I did come across another issue.. Algae on my aquarium plants. I am thinking of adding a bottom feeder.. what would you suggest? Keep in mind that I do have a 5 gallon tank! Thank you -MoodyBlues
  2. M

    Day 2 Platy

    what would you recommend doing since I already have a platy in my 5 gallon tank? i do want to add 2 more friends so she wouldnt be lonely.. but im also afraid that they would not have enough space to thrive.
  3. M

    Day 2 Platy

    oh noo... i can't upgrade to a 10 gallon tank because it would not fit.. what should i do with my platy? im so worried.. does the size of the tank matter that much? i do not want to spend more money to get another tank either.. ill do a water test and if anything is not right, ill go and do a...
  4. M

    Day 2 Platy

    Hello! First time aquarium owner here! I conditioned + added bacteria 3 days straight (1 table spoon each day) I also added plants... My platy is hiding behind the plants and is glass surfing a lot.. as well as staying at either the top and bottom of the tank. I rarely see her (yes she is...
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