Recent content by MrBennett

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  1. MrBennett

    My new, and first, 55-gallon tank

    What I have right now, I should add what to? A firemouth and maybe a few cats?
  2. MrBennett

    My new, and first, 55-gallon tank

    Also, here's what I have in the tank, thus far: -1 Tiger Oscar -1 Jack Dempsey -1 Black Convict Soon--I don't know how long I should wait--I'm going to put in more fish: -1 more Jack Dempsey -1 Firemouth Cichlid -3 Pictus Catfish Let me know what you guys think.
  3. MrBennett

    My new, and first, 55-gallon tank

    I just have some aqueon fluorescent bulbs.
  4. MrBennett

    My new, and first, 55-gallon tank

    Here's my first tank. Give some feedback :)
  5. MrBennett

    Just would like to introduce myself

    Thanks for the welcomes. Yeah, I already want another tank! Haha.
  6. image 1341408754

    image 1341408754

  7. The right side of my tank.

    The right side of my tank.

  8. The left half of my tank.

    The left half of my tank.

  9. My tank. 55 gallons of freshwater.

    My tank. 55 gallons of freshwater.

  10. The Baby Jack Dempsey cichlid.

    The Baby Jack Dempsey cichlid.

  11. The Oscar and Black Convict cichlids hanging out.

    The Oscar and Black Convict cichlids hanging out.

  12. My Black Convict Cichlid

    My Black Convict Cichlid

  13. image 2235597835

    image 2235597835

  14. Just Getting Started

    Just Getting Started

  15. MrBennett

    Just would like to introduce myself

    Hey All, My name is Josh. I live in Salt Lake City, Utah. I just started up my first fish tank I've had since I was about 10 years old. I have a 55-gallon freshwater tank. I am going with a cichlid tank. I'm pretty excited to this new hobby, which I've already found to be very addicting...
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