Recent content by MrMigs08

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  1. M

    Our poor weather loach was found on the floor this morning :(

    Hmm, theres not so much over the counter still for sale, but if my loach can hang in there till friday, then i can go on the hunt for the special ingredients! I hope he hangs in there, hes been such a fighter so far!
  2. M

    Our poor weather loach was found on the floor this morning :(

    One or two days? ****** this just keeps getting worse :( maybe i should see if a full dose of melafix could build up a heavy slime to slow the infection down? What about the moore and comets momma, what do you advise for them?
  3. M

    Our poor weather loach was found on the floor this morning :(

    I live in the UK, yeah the red plant is awesome, fish love to circle around the bottom of it and weave between it, very great addition! I dont know how the loach rot occured?? he was doing fine with regards to fins and slime?? i just don't understand why now this issue has cropped :/ how fast...
  4. M

    Our poor weather loach was found on the floor this morning :(

    His personality is much better, fin rot occured after giving him blood worms but not eating them, it hink they could have contaminated the water a bit, like i said the water smelled like spices, wtf?? haha, I have melafix which contains melaleuca if thats any help?? The moore has a lovely...
  5. M

    Our poor weather loach was found on the floor this morning :(

    - Continued* But as i say the comets are having issues, and the moore is effected a bit :( Comets suffering from droopy fins, cramped fins and blood veins! See the comet in the top right, see his back fins, they are always like that, only when there is apserlutely no current does he raise...
  6. M

    Our poor weather loach was found on the floor this morning :(

    Hey guys, today was an ok day (Theraputic haha!) against what was advised i did a double swap, i completely cleaned the medicine bowl and ran is clean, and moved my fish to see how they would handle the PH, they took it greatly so i wen't and did a full clean of my main tank (My fish show...
  7. M

    Our poor weather loach was found on the floor this morning :(

    I gave all the filter medium a good wash about 2 days ago and already the water is clouding up, although i think i could have cleaned the impeller/input/output system better. So tommorow i will sort this for good :) thanks so much for the help, i will finally get the pictures up (I keep...
  8. M

    Our poor weather loach was found on the floor this morning :(

    But how??? He gets water changes daily, the water quality must be good, the filter i have now im sure is cycled also because of how long we've had and been using it (Years!) He was doing so well this morning, and his barbels have straightened out (The best sign!) the main tank isn't having the...
  9. M

    Our poor weather loach was found on the floor this morning :(

    Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Smelling the water recently, its been smelling like spices ffs, check today and notice hes got rather massive fin rot on his tail, ffs i keep trying and keep getting knocked back, i need to get these fish sorted and i keep running into walls. PWC + Some melafix...
  10. M

    Our poor weather loach was found on the floor this morning :(

    Hmm i thought so, he just seemed really bad in the main tank, it needs a clean (Which i will do tommorow!) I need to deccorate my tank some more i think! and i need another loach xD hes a loner atm! but a fun one at that. I will clean the tank tommorow, and the filter, and re-add the carbon...
  11. M

    Our poor weather loach was found on the floor this morning :(

    Yeah, i will get one next week as i've no money left this week *Cursed bills!* Big tank is a pod unit with several type of filter media! will get the picture and media layout up soon! Hmm my lovely loach seems ok but he still seems off, no willingness to move on his own, i have never seen him...
  12. M

    Old Tetra is dying

    Swim bladder issue?
  13. M

    Our poor weather loach was found on the floor this morning :(

    Hey jik! Yeah loaches are social, i think they do like being with other loaches of their own kind, i do plan on another young'n as apparently bigger loaches love to look after them! Unfortunately i dont have the parameters :(, i will defo get a kit though! the water schedule on the main tank...
  14. M

    Our poor weather loach was found on the floor this morning :(

    Hey guys, thanks for the warm welcome! I wanted to get back to you sooner but these 12 hour shifts suck! Hmmm, sorry guys, unfortunately i didn't hold off on the medication :< i gave him a full dose in the medicine tank *Doh* should have read sooner, However! His dorsal fin is now in...
  15. M

    Our poor weather loach was found on the floor this morning :(

    The poor thing, we've had him for a coupe of months now, one of the more interesting and fun fish i've ever seen, fantastic! This morning my old man walked into the lounge to discover the poor guy was on the floor curled up and dry, my dad didn't think he was alive until he touched his tail...
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