Recent content by MuffinThePuffin

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
  1. M

    Red Gooey Lump in Betta Tank

    Oh, thank you. It was something I read on a couple different betta websites while researching fin rot. No his fins are not black around the edges, but every one is frayed and ragged with pinholes. His swimming fins (no clue what they are called) are also full of the pinholes and starting to...
  2. M

    Red Gooey Lump in Betta Tank

    I feed him TetraMin Tropical Flakes and BettaMin Tropical Medley alternating every other day. I understand that is what fin rot does. I leave for an hour, and when I come back half of his tail fin is missing. It could be the food though... I didn't think that I fed him enough to create a mass...
  3. M

    Red Gooey Lump in Betta Tank

    I wish that I would have had the idea to take a picture of it. I'll be looking for another one when I change his water out tonight as I hear that red gooey things come back. I am using Jungle Fungus Clear and aquarium salt to treat him. Before I heard that a daily 100% water change helps clear...
  4. M

    Red Gooey Lump in Betta Tank

    Could a betta's poo be as big as his head? I notice that I forgot to say how big it was. It was the size of his head. His poo has never been that large before.
  5. M

    New Crazy Betta Lady

    Hello :) I have three bettas, two male and one female, who live on my dorm room desks. I joined to get some advice on what is going on with my sick betta. I don't really know what else to put here so I will talk to you later
  6. M

    Red Gooey Lump in Betta Tank

    My betta has fin rot so I have been changing his water every day to try and help minimize the bacteria in his water. The size of his fins is rapidly decreasing, his head and gills are much darker than they used to be, and he only has half of the frill that comes out when he flares up. I changed...
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