Recent content by Nafula

The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
  1. N

    cloudy water amongst other things

    Wow- thank you so much!
  2. N

    cloudy water amongst other things

    so...I basically put in the ammonia in the beginning and it should sort itself out(adding the fish once the ammonia and nitrates are at zero) or should I do it in pieces...sry about all these questions, this is all new to me...
  3. N

    cloudy water amongst other things

    How much pure ammonia should I add for a 20gal tank?
  4. N

    cloudy water amongst other things

    Thank you for the kit recommendation, I will go out and get one fish is definitely an algae eater...ok, so I will wait for the cloudiness to go away(thanks for calming my fears!) and you mentioned a fishless cycle for setting up a new tank- there must be something more I have to do...
  5. N

    cloudy water amongst other things

    Definitely is a white cloudy...thanks for the info on overcrowding of the terms of levels and such, I have yet to buy a way to test that- could you recommend something? I didn't realize that was something that needed to be done...I do have a filter(a carbon filter)/heater/lamp...not...
  6. N

    cloudy water amongst other things

    Hey Ya'll! I am rather new to having fish and had a few questions that I hope ya'll can answer. First, some background, I started my 10 gallon tank back in August after my crazy friend gave me a tiger barb that had been given to him for his 21st birthday. I now have a tiger barb, 2 rosie...
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