Recent content by NCASRULES

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  1. N

    aggressive fish

    As long as you stay away from the real bullies you can put quite a few in a 55. Provide enough interesting territories for everyone to stake a claim and switch it around when you introduce new fish. If you go with the schooling fish like barbs and tetras instead, they can be nippy. If keep...
  2. N

    betta female

    You definitely need to fatten her up first with brine shrimp or blood worms. She will get vertical stripes across her abdomen when she is ready. Once they are re-introduced he should maintain the nest. Make sure there is no filter or anything disturbing the surface and get ready to remove her...
  3. N

    Can Arawana Eggs Be Toxic?

    Thanks Meegosh, I did some research when she laid the eggs last week and read they are mouthbrooders. This was an immaculate unconception since she has not seen another arawana in at least a year. Some fish do this when they reach maturity and the water conditions are right. I hope it is not...
  4. N

    Can Arawana Eggs Be Toxic?

    Hi, I work in an office that has a large tank with a silver arawana, blood parrots, oscars, and plecos. Last week the arawana we have all been calling "HE" laid a couple dozens eggs. Obviously they were infertile and within two hours they were eaten by the plecos and some of the parrots...
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