Recent content by newfishtank

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
  1. N

    New Fish Tank Nitrogen Cycle

    Finally Done Cycle! After two months, my aquarium had finally finished cycling as of 1 week ago. I got five neon tetras and one nerite snail on Monday and so far they are slowly adapting to my tank. I have been checking my water parameters and ammonia and nitrite are both sitting at 0...
  2. N

    New Fish Tank Nitrogen Cycle

    Thank you for the suggestions! I have turned up the heat a little bit. I tested on Friday night (Apr 23) and nitrite was still at 0, but when I tested this morning (Apr 25), I finally am seeing nitrite! My ammonia has dropped down to around 0.5 ppm, nitrite was at 2 ppm. I thought I might as...
  3. N

    New Fish Tank Nitrogen Cycle

    Hi Everyone, I have started a new 10 gallon fish tank in my apartment. After failing to do fish-in cycling, I decided to start from scratch and cycle with Fritz Ammonia. I added a dose of ammonia to reach around 2 ppm on April 12, as tested with API test kit. Since then, I have been...
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