Recent content by Niccobacci11

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
  1. Niccobacci11

    Rainbow Dwarf Gourami Tankmates Suggestions

    Hello, love the dwarf gouramis, especially the sparkling gourami. At the moment I have 3 almost full grown angels with 5 sparkling gouramis in a 29 extremely heavily planted,(not a square inch without plants) and they get along perfectly. The gouramis had been in the tank for few months...
  2. Niccobacci11

    angelfish sexing

    Hello, Sexing angels is extremely difficult to be %100 accurate. Some males can develop a larger forehead bump, and females a little flatter from mouth to dorsal fin. This isn’t a certain way though. In the past the faster growing aggressive angels, in the tanks I have, turned to be male but...
  3. Niccobacci11

    Lvisico coming aboard

    Welcome to the forums!!
  4. Niccobacci11

    Weird spot on molly

    I’d say if it’s acting fine and eating ok, just take note on the size and shape of the spot, those pictures will help. Observe over next couple days to a week and see if there are any changes. I think your Molly is ok!
  5. Niccobacci11

    Weird spot on molly

    Hello, This is the brown spot that you are worried about? Is it protruding out at all? Can you tell if it is a single discolored scale or missing scale? Could just be part of its color and maybe took a couple days to color up. Also looks like it is swimming around ok with no clamped fins...
  6. Niccobacci11

    What are these things?

    Hello, I believe that is a scud. They can be found in healthy ecosystems, but anytime I’ve seen them in an aquarium they are very hard to get rid of. They will eat everything that your shrimp would eat eventually out competing. They also go a step further and will eat the living plant leaves and...
  7. Niccobacci11

    Guppy soooo big

    Hello, this is definitely a male guppy and that is definitely dropsy. I would remove the fish from the tank soon as you can, could spread to other fish. Can also try and treat him, and for future at first sight of dropsy can jump right on it. A rebound in health is unlikely but possible. Get...
  8. Niccobacci11

    Newbie with a infestation!

    They look like pineapple sponges from the hairy texture white appearance and a few have the shape in the third picture. Easier to tell up close, while still in the water. To get rid of them don’t scrape them off they will just grow back and any chunk that may have fallen off will also grow new...
  9. Niccobacci11

    Using frozen shrimp from walmart for food

    I have used the frozen shrimp cooked and uncooked with no issues. Helped fill up the bigger fish faster.
  10. Niccobacci11

    Fish id ??

    Lol definitely not a female guppy. It looks like a pearl danio, matches the color.
  11. Niccobacci11

    my two giant firemouths are killing all the other FMs

    First, please don’t release any fish from your pond or tanks into lakes or rivers. Unless your lake is privately owned and not connected to waterways. Native or not they have been with petco fish that may carry diseases. And especially with this newly frequent die off, you don’t want to transfer...
  12. Niccobacci11

    Surface water plant that doesn’t spread like crazy

    My favorite is salvinia cucullata it holds together in chunks super easy to take out if needed, not an insanely fast grower, and the roots don’t extend down more than 1.5 inches which I love I’m not a fan of 6” plus roots coming down from the surface.
  13. Niccobacci11

    Molly juvenile colour name?

    Looks like a popcorn jelly belly. I really like the colors on that one. Popcorn Molly [emoji869]
  14. Niccobacci11

    Are these praecox rainbows too young to tell gender, or all females?

    [emoji53]dern guess it’s an excuse for more they are still awesome to watch, thank you such a fast answer.
  15. Niccobacci11

    Are these praecox rainbows too young to tell gender, or all females?

    Had these fish for only a week, first time having rainbows. They are all about 1.5” long. I hear they take a bit to color up, do I just need to wait a little longer for them to show gender? Kinda look all like females right now.
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