Recent content by nickvisch

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
  1. N

    Help, what happened to my Gourami?

    Whoa good to know! Thanks.
  2. N

    Help, what happened to my Gourami?

    Thanks for the replies. I hadn't noticed any squabbles... the angel and him were introduced to the tank together as young so they are good together. I was thinking a wound, especially as he was still acting pretty normal. I have never seen anything as bad as this though. So for now I have...
  3. N

    Help, what happened to my Gourami?

    He is currently quarantined, but I don't really know what to treat him with and not sure what happened... is it a disease or a wound. Perhaps he scraped it on something?
  4. N

    Help, what happened to my Gourami?

    Hey This is my first post so thanks in advance. I have had this aquarium up and running for several years now, but no sicknesses or any big outbreaks. Only deaths have been the odd neon once in a while. It's a 60 gallon tank with a large penguin filter, and stock is an angel and a blue...
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