
The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
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world of warcraft,sims,fish raiseing
new york
My Tanks
I have a 65 gallon tank currentyl holding ALOT of guppies(that i'm gonna get ride of soon) 3 angel fish,2 gold dojo loaches, and 2 cory catfish. This tank has a big filter and two filter thingys that need the air hole things at the bottom and the bubles go up the tube and out into the water(you also need tray things at the bottom to hold the tubes) sorry dont know the names of the filters.

Then i have a 1 gallon baby tank which currently holds nothing

I have a 10 gallon tank which holds the guppies i raised from fry...currently about 8 and they are having babies themself and won't eat them so now i have alot more then 10 thats all i know. they have just a regular big filter.

then i have a 15 gallon tank that holds my surprise pair of jack dempseys. I am planning on moveing them into the bigger tank. they have a regular filter too. this tank currently holds a male and female JD and between 1-50 fry(i can't tell how many there are anymore cuz they keep moving around the tank)
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