
The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Paradise, CA


65g: community/discus
4 discus, 5 clown loaches, 4 oto cats, 3 SAE's, 1 gold nugget pleco (L177), 1 clown pleco, java fern, vallisneria gigantea rubra, amazon sword, anubias nana, bacopa, crypts and a HUGE anubias! 130w Aqualight 6700k PC, Co2 injected
65g: Magawi cichlid
6 cichlids, 1 common pleco 8", 2 synodontis cat, plastic plants, anacharis, amazon sword. 36w single tube.
29g: community
2 dwarf gourami, 1 King Tiger pleco (L066), 2 discus, 1 BN plec, 1 long-fin golden ram, 3 clown loaches, vals, amazon and african sword, anubias nana. 65w 6700k Aqualight 6700k PC, DIY Co2 (testing)
20g: guppy
otos, bn plec (tiny), many guppies (for babies to feed the cichlids!), anubias, anacharis, yellowstripe, the list goes on.... 30w 6700k
10g: QT & plant
anubias nana, anacharis, dwarf vals. 96w Aqualight 6700k
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