Recent content by Nutty Opossum

The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
  1. N

    ID random fry

    Best shot I could get of one of the GBR fry
  2. N

    ID random fry

    Just wanted to post an update and thanks! The guppy seems to have fully grown and with my success I tried my hand at the breeding projects I had in mind. Currently have about 30 dwarf neon rainbow fry (some are in the pic) as well as approx 20 GBR fry as well (they are much more shy, hard to...
  3. N

    ID random fry

    I made a run back to the store to pick up some plants and supplies. I checked the loach tank and can confirm its a guppy. Still alive and seems to be doing well!
  4. N

    ID random fry

    Thanks for the help. Quarantine is set at 78 with a sponge filter. Will definitely be doing weekly water changes when I do my main tank and will do my best to feed that often. If everything goes well I'll try to remember to follow up here. Thanks again!
  5. N

    ID random fry

    Which brings me to my follow up question. Being that I have zero experience yet (though I'm thrilled to have this as a 'trial run' in case the gbrs do spawn) any tips on raising it?
  6. N

    ID random fry

    I honestly have no idea. He was in the bag that had my kuhli loach so I'm guessing it was that tank but I didn't pay any attention to what else was in that tank :( The tank they used the net in before only had Cardinal tetras so I'm sure it didn't get stuck in the net from that one.
  7. N

    ID random fry

    It's pretty small and that was my first thought. Not really experienced with breeding (just got a breeding pair of gbrs, hence why I happened to have first bites handy) but I would guess it would have to be a live bearer to have been at the LFS. I cropped the photo quite a bit to get as much...
  8. N

    ID random fry

    I made a trip to my LFS today and got a few new fish. After I aclimated them, I noticed a random hitchhiker fry tagged along. I have no idea which tank he came out of since the fish I got came from 4 different tanks so I have no clue what it is. I put him in a spare quarantine tank and put a...
  9. N

    Help me stock my first 55g

    That's kind of what I was thinking after looking into them. Anyone have any suggestions on other possible tankmates I didn't list?
  10. N

    Help me stock my first 55g

    I'd rather only keep one aquarium running. Do you think the shrimp would get decimated or just not have population growth? I'm planning on waiting till the shrimp colony gets to about 100 before adding the gbrs.
  11. N

    Help me stock my first 55g

    Hello everyone! Long time lurker, first time poster. I would first like to say thanks to everyone, I've learned a lot lurking and I think I'm off to a good start with my new tank. I currently have a 10g with 5 neon tetras 1 mystery snail 1 ghost shrimp 35? Cherry shrimp (breeding like crazy)...
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