Recent content by onewayticket

The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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    HELP! My platy or balloon belly molly is gregnant

    Hello every friend, I found a fry in my tank. But I don't know which one gave the birth. I have three female platys and one female balloon belly molly. All of them look like pregnant. Can I put all of then in one breed box until I find out which one gives the birth? It's said that one...
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    HELP! - My tiger barbs keep dying

    Because of the AMMO LOCK, the test result won't be accurate. So I didn't have the water tested recently.
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    HELP! - My tiger barbs keep dying

    I set up this tank 6 weeks ago. I thought the cycling was done, so I started to add some more fish. The other fish including platies and mollies have no problem with water. They look happy. Although it looks stable, I still keep adding API AMMO LOCK regularly.
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    HELP! - My tiger barbs keep dying

    Hello every friend, I have a 55g planted aquarium with 5 mollies, 5 platies, 3 catfishes and 1 algae eater. The tank is quite stable. I put 4 tiger barbs (2 males, 2 females) last Thursday. Last weekend, I was out of the town. When I came back home at Sunday night, I found one tiger barb died...
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