Recent content by Paul N

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  1. P

    Sick old fish

    Just an update. My fish is still alive. It lays on its side all the time. Moves around on its side. Just still won't really eat. Never seen anything like this. I have had fish since I was a kid. Still my guess he had some kind of fish stroke and not an illness or bacteria/fungal type issue.
  2. P

    Sick old fish

    Not so good but still hanging in. I appreciate everyone's comments and concern here. I went to aquarium services tonight and read the info on the bottle of "Metro". Not sure if that is the right product. Their other broad spectrum one seemed more suited but if no longer eating... Hard to mix...
  3. P

    Sick old fish

    This post may surprise some. I have a 26 year old Red Devil. Lived by his/her self in. 65 gallon tank. Survived 3 moves and been around longer then any girl I have known romantically. The last two years I've had to bring food close up to his mouth to get him to eat. I suspect like an old...
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