Recent content by pauliedanger

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
  1. P

    Non-Traditional decor?

    I saw a pic here of a guy who had a corner garden in his tank. Built up with some rocks up front and sand, then som eplants. My concern are for the corys'. I know that TMS is murder on their digestive system. Is there another kind of sand I can use that they don't have problems with? And...
  2. P

    Simulated moonlight.

    Kaz, you definitely just left skid marks on the bald spot in the back of my head. You've got to explain that one.
  3. P

    Non-Traditional decor?

    I made the same mistake. I forget why, but I got blue gravel. When I broke down my tank that was the first (well, last, but most important thing) to go. Now it's black, and I've got some tall fake plants hiding the in-tank hardware. But all the other stuff, like the roman columns, castles...
  4. P

    Betta and golden barbs

    My only experience with a betta in a community tank was short lived. He was ill when I bought him, and died the first night. But anecdotal evidence is that putting a betta in a community tank, particularly with barbs isn't that great a mix. The barbs will fin-nip, and since the betta is a...
  5. P

    Simulated moonlight.

    When I got my tank, I also bought 2 blue LED moonlight things. They're not as bright as I hoped, but the effect is very cool. Especially since by dumb luck, I placed them over the air stone. At any rate, I have a timer thing, but all it does is turn off the hood lamp, and turn the LED's on...
  6. P

    tahitian moon sand and leaching

    re: corys. I asked the local guru at my LFS and he said that corys will end up ingesting some, and they have a very difficult time processing it. Which is a shame. I love the look of sand. Looks so much cleaner to me than gravel.
  7. P

    Non-Traditional decor?

    Tried it, JDogg. I have worse luck keeping live plants than I do girlfriends.
  8. P

    Non-Traditional decor?

    Hey everybody. I'm in the early stages of putting a 30 gal back online. Cycled it, and I have my first batch of fish (4 tiger barbs, 2 corys and 2 plecos). I want to go for a real natural look, but I want something more than drift wood, plastic plants and slate. Any ideas? I've seen some...
  9. P

    How big tank you can put safely in the living room?

    I'm used to planning weight per square foot for transport. So I can offer little advice. (Especially since I'm necro-posting.) But the two suggestions I would make are: Spread your load. Make sure your stand has a solid base. When I say solid, I'm saying flat on the ground so that the...
  10. P

    What Made You Want A Freshwater Aquarium?

    Hey everybody, this is probably the best place for a first post. I've always been a big fan of fish. I love going to aquariums and stuff. But a while ago my doctor told me I had high blood pressure. Told me there were two real ways of dealing with it. Pills, or environment control (diet...
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