Recent content by Pineapple House

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
  1. P

    Here I go again.

    I agree with RR, likely a species of vermetid snails. They're quite harmless feather dusters feeding on plankton. I have them everywhere in my tank :) PH =)
  2. P

    protein skimming

    Which skimmer did you use? Saying A skimmer is quite general, this could mean anything from a $20.00 skimmer to a thousand dollar skimmer :) PH =)
  3. P

    Getting started with fishless method & live rock questio

    I personally would never advise someone to go with a fish cycle. While this can be a good method, in the long run it's a pain. Damsels are usually used from them being cheap, and resistant to most common deseases in the fish world. In the long run, you will likely be spending hours at a time...
  4. P

    Need suggestions!

    While there are many fish on the market today, many can easily outgrow your 58 gallon, including a yellow tang, or any tang of that matter. As you might already know, tangs are grazing fish, with their diet mainly on algea around the tank. Most species can get over 7 inches long, and some...
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