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The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
  1. P


    Thanks for that. Will have to do a re think :?
  2. P


    I have a 70l tank ready for fish. Iwould like to put rainbows as the main fish with possibly a school of tetras and a couple of catfish. What type of rainbows would be best and how many?
  3. P

    Cichlid tank?

    was kind of hoping for the lake cichlids. Thanks for link by the way
  4. P

    Cichlid tank?

    I have an empty 70l tank and was wondering if it would be possible to set it up with a few dwarf cichlids. If so what would be the best fish to keep and how many? also what about decor? my community tank is heavily planted and I fancied a completely different look to this one. e.g lots of...
  5. P

    upgrading tank

    well the deeds been done!! all fish,plants and filter media along with gravel are now in new tank.Shark decided to jump out when we were trying to catch him so was quite stressed at first but is settling down. other fish all seem ok will monitor closely over the next few weeks and will check...
  6. P

    upgrading tank

    We were sold the shark and pl*c by the shop in the early days before we discovered these sites!!! you trust these people. Will just have to keep getting a bigger tank!
  7. P

    upgrading tank

    Yes plants, fish and rocks are all moving. However we were not going to put all the old gravel in as we wanted to use medium gravel this time instead of fine. saying this we would be able add some of it. so would it be ok then to put filter pads in from old tank, some gravel and then move...
  8. P

    upgrading tank

    i mean i can use one of the filter pads from the old system into the new system as they are both same make of aquarium. obviously the new tank filter is stronger but the filter pads are the same if you see what i mean. I have 3 mollies in there to cycle tank
  9. P

    upgrading tank

    what do i do with my fish ? both are jewel systems and so filters are same for both so thats not a problem. Have real plants both new and old tank. Thanks for help
  10. P

    upgrading tank

    We have bought a 180l tank to replace our 70l tank. Can we do anything to speed up the cycle of the new tank by using gravel, filters,water from our old tank? We have added "cycle" but after reading lots of reports this doesn't seem to work too well.
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