Recent content by Pleco_fan523

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  1. Pleco_fan523

    10g Stocking Advice

    Low maintenance = Danios They are the hardiest of the small breeds. I would keep it under about 8 though. 6-8 is probably good. I have 11 in my 14 gallon, plus several others. I would also get a few ghost shrimp or a small breed catfish for the clean-up crew. Glofish are the coolest type...
  2. Pleco_fan523

    10g Stocking Advice

    Well, Mollies, Danios (I reccomend Glofish), guppies, tetra. Maybe an exotic pleco. NOT A COMMON!!! Hmmm... oh, and Dwarf Gouramis. First put in a couple feeder guppies or rosy reds to start the nitrate cycle. Then, after a week with those, put in a few more. Just let the bag float for 15...
  3. Pleco_fan523


    Just stopping by to say hi. You will get to know me well, I'm sure.
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