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  1. P

    Post your full tank shot here.

    Sorry guys, 6 rummy nose, 4 neon tetras, and 6 ghost shrimp. P
  2. P

    The (almost) Complete Guide and FAQ to Fishless Cycling

    thanks for the help Eco. the guide helped alot rummy nose tetras, neon tetras, ghost shrimp
  3. P

    Post your full tank shot here.

    my 10gal
  4. P

    To salt of not to salt a freshwater tank?

    Eco, I didn't say add salt to produce brackish water (please reread). I also attempted to show/relay the information I have read in books/www regarding salt in fw aquariums (also stated in original post). Another point..... Although neither proponent nor opponent to dosing your aquarium with...
  5. P

    To salt of not to salt a freshwater tank?

    Research the species that you have. I don't want to steer anyone wrong, a quick google check confirmed that plecos are sensitive to salt but a 1 tablespoon per 40 gal. was recommended as a preventative measure in tanks with plecos. P
  6. P

    To salt of not to salt a freshwater tank?

    It is true that salt inhibits parasites, it can make up for low dissolved salts in your water, it's harmless to all fresh water species, livebearers and brackish water species thrive with salt, also stressed/sick fish benefit from the sodium and chloride that salt provides. This is just my 02...
  7. P

    New to all of this, check my research...

    I've just finished my cycle without seed material and it took 30 days exactly (milage may vary). The bacteria fairy will just come one night and you will know because you'll see nitrites showing up. I love the airstone in my tank, the warter ripples it makes and the led lighting gives off that...
  8. P

    The (almost) Complete Guide and FAQ to Fishless Cycling

    Cycle Complete! It finished in one month to the day! Thankyou Eco for your invaluable guide (read it like 30 times). Called the lfs today an said send me the fish and ghost shrimp...... Lol they were out, gotta wait another week. This hobby would kill a lesser man. Thanks again, add...
  9. P

    just a lil' stumped

    My nitrites droped in the beginning of week 5 and went away fast they went to 0 and I never saw them again. Give it a little more time. Pwc can help at this point, plus lol your nitrites will drop with a big pwc P
  10. P

    just got my first fish-HELP!!!

    lol thats how i got started on this crazy ride. Daughter won four feeder/gold fish at fair...RIP. I'm better informed now and that wont happen again. follow eco's advice and you will have better luck than i did P
  11. P

    Bacteria Supplement

    Read The (almost) Complete Guide and FAQ to Fishless Cycling . Short answer not helpful P
  12. P

    My fishless cycle

    You have a long row to hoe, my 10 gal. is almost done after a month. Just be patient and follow eric's guide and it'll all work out. Key word patient, it's a lot harder than I thought, lol I think quitting smoking was easier for me, than waiting for the warter to turn purple, ugh then waiting...
  13. P

    About my overstocked 5 gallon tank.....

    Brittany, Your in a tight spot read up on fish in cycling, minamize your feeding (skipping a day or two) only a coupple flakes per fish, keep watch on the ammonia (this is what will kill them, not lack of food), keep your gravel clean (rotting food=more ammonia), do particial warter changes if...
  14. P

    Am I ready for fish?

    Didn't know you already pwc. Check out Aquarium pH on ph adjustment P
  15. P

    Am I ready for fish?

    A pwc will bring your ph back....(Eco's cycle guide very helpful). I can cycle my ammonia over night but not the trites yet, I'm getting trAtes so I know the trites will start fall one of these days... Every 3rd day I'll check my ph for a change and I've only seen a slight drop at the end of...
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