Recent content by Pondthing

The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
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  1. P

    Simple setup question - the cover in particular

    I've got a 135 gallon freshwater FO tank. It didn't exactly come with instructions but most things are self explanitory. My big question is the proper setup of the lid or cover. It's 6' long so it came with 4 pieces of glass, 2 per side. Two were more narrow than the other 2. Then was the...
  2. P

    Hi folks

    I've kept Koi and goldfish in ponds for 15 years or so but had to downsize on the home and so no more ponds. I still want to play with my fish so I've just started a 135 gallon freshwater tank. It's still 3 weeks into the cycle so only goldfish are resident... Soon though, I'm hoping to have...
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