Recent content by Puckhog429

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  1. Puckhog429

    Help Me Revamp My 29 gallon!

    Yes it is blyxa in the first pic. You are right, eventually when things grow in they will have plenty of cover. I did add some rock anyway and am liking the look. Kind of finishes off the sand under the tree. I doubt the micro sword will grow in the shade so it should be bare under the dw...
  2. Puckhog429

    Help Me Revamp My 29 gallon!

    Thanks! Its definitely not cabomba. I think it might be giant hygrophila but not 100% sure. This tank is running co2, pps pro, excel, and medium light with dirt sub. In my nano low tech it grew a max of 2-3 inches with rather high light for the tank. Im thinking about adding some more black...
  3. Puckhog429

    Help Me Revamp My 29 gallon!

    I will add some close up pics later tonite. Sent from my iPhone using Aquarium Advice
  4. Puckhog429

    Help Me Revamp My 29 gallon!

    No jungle val. Not sure of all the names but large leaf neon green stem plant in back left corner, with blxa as midground, narrow leaf ludwigia in back middle, and some other midground plant in front of the crypts. I have had great success with the micro swords carpeting in a non co2 nano tank...
  5. Puckhog429

    Help Me Revamp My 29 gallon!

    Thanks man. Excited for it to grow in. Ive got narrow leaf micro sword in for the carpet, fissidens fontanus on the outer most edges of the dw, anubias nana in the middle and java ferns tied onto the back. Sent from my iPhone using Aquarium Advice
  6. Puckhog429

    Help Me Revamp My 29 gallon!

    Heres an update guys! Finally got down to tearing it down and rescaping. Should look good when it grows in. Sent from my iPhone using Aquarium Advice
  7. Puckhog429

    Help Me Revamp My 29 gallon!

    Yeah i liked the looks of the red a lot better but read that it will just rot off in the tank. Sent from my iPhone using Aquarium Advice
  8. Puckhog429

    Help Me Revamp My 29 gallon!

    It is manzanita wood. Its not cheap but well worth it. A lot of people sell it online Sent from my iPhone using Aquarium Advice
  9. Puckhog429

    Help Me Revamp My 29 gallon!

    So my wood came in a week or two ago and I have finally found the time to lay it out. So the cardboard is the same dimensions as the tank. Gonna go with fissidens fontanus moss on the tips of the wood, anubias nana in thr middle, and java fern at the base. Sent from my iPhone using Aquarium...
  10. Puckhog429

    Help Me Revamp My 29 gallon!

    I did turn the co2 up a bit to 2-3 bps. Pretty pumped for the driftwood to come in. Even better is that I just got a 30% off all fish and live plants coupon in the mail from That Fish Place which is a 20 min drive from my house. Broke out the quarantine/spare 20 gallon today.
  11. Puckhog429

    Help Me Revamp My 29 gallon!

    Okay thanks. I actually ordered a drop checker last night and some 4dkh solution. I have a lot of extra ph test kits here so im thinking that i can use that for the solution since it should be the bromothyl blue that comes with most kits (The dc i got on ebay came with no liquids). Still...
  12. Puckhog429

    Help Me Revamp My 29 gallon!

    Also thought I would add that the diffuser it came with is a small ceramic disc encased in rubber that suction cups onto the tank. I have it right under the intake to my fluval 405.
  13. Puckhog429

    Help Me Revamp My 29 gallon!

    Here again with another update! All the co2 stuff came in and is setup. Watched a few videos on youtube for the setup still need to dial in bubbles per second, and how long I should run my lights. I have the co2 running at less than 1 bubble per second right now and lights running 3 hours on...
  14. Puckhog429

    29 gallon planted tank setup

    That is dirt Sent from my iPhone using Aquarium Advice
  15. Puckhog429

    Help Me Revamp My 29 gallon!

    Quick Update guys! I ordered the aquatek regulator from ebay with paintball adaptor, co2 lines, and diffuser for just over $70 shipped and ordered a 24 oz paintball tank from ebay for $25. Now all I need to do is shop for some new hardscape materials! Will update when I get hardscape stuff...
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