Recent content by racheegirl02

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  1. R

    Can anyone tell me all about mystery snail eggs???

    Just curious about how long they take to hatch and when snails usually lay eggs and how often. My snails have grown very rapidly in the short time that i have had them. I think this is the fourth bunch of eggs i have found. The other three were times when i was cleaning the tank. I just got...
  2. R

    Can anyone tell me all about mystery snail eggs???

    I found some pinkish round snail eggs at the edge of my tank and want all the information i can get. Thanks.
  3. R

    Snail eggs or fish eggs???

    Thanks for your help...not sure what kind of snail they are. So what do i do with snail eggs...?
  4. R

    Snail eggs or fish eggs???

    I was cleaning my tank the other day and found pinkish round eggs on the glass of my tank right above the water line...not sure if they were actually supposed to be in the water or not because i don't keep the water level constantly full. I'm trying to figure out what is laying them. I have 4...
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