Recent content by rae

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  1. rae

    Betta welfare UK

    I don't know how I imagined they were shipped - I tried not to think about it I suppose! I will ask the retailer, but I don't completely trust them, I've been given misleading info in the past, hence the research now. Thank you Mebbid.
  2. rae

    Betta welfare UK

    Hi everyone! I've set up a new 40l planted tank, it's been running for a month now and I've been considering what to stock it with. I designed it with a Siamese fighter in mind, thinking my kids would enjoy looking after this fish. Doing more research however, I grow more and more concerned...
  3. rae

    Stowaway assassin

    Thanks wildroseofsky. I'm almost sure there's only one. I don't really fancy keeping more snails, just to sustain my uninvited guest, although he is quite pretty... I'll see what happens I guess! Sent from my GT-I9100 using Aquarium Advice mobile app
  4. rae

    My first planted tank

    I've found the LFS take the best bits of driftwood and put them in their own tanks. I'm just cheeky and get them to fish them out for me! Sent from my GT-I9100 using Aquarium Advice mobile app
  5. rae

    Stowaway assassin

    Hi Everyone, I noticed I had an uninvited snail some weeks ago, he was tiny, and I'd occasionally spot him around the tank. He's about 1cm long now and I took this pic while he was on the glass. He looks like an assassin to me, so my question is this, are my zebra snails ok with him, or do I...
  6. rae

    My first planted tank

    Here's the tank today, bit crowded, as I've been trying out allsorts of plants and I can't bear to bin a healthy plant. I'll have to start a new tank...
  7. rae

    My first planted tank

    I thought I'd share my tank with everyone, it's not just my first planted tank - it's my first tank. It's lowtech, 6 months old. The whole plant thing is very difficult if you're new to it, starting with the whole latin name thing, which I can never remember, nor pronounce. I realised these...
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